
Showing posts from November, 2020

Major Phases of the Research Process

Research is like a recipe. To do it right you need to follow certain procedures or steps. The first thing you need to do when starting your research is to Identify a Research Problem.   When selecting a problem a researcher must know first what his interest is. What type of research is he into and what are the things that hold his interest that he would like to examine. Furthermore, a research problem should be relevant and timely to the present situation. It must be new and useful. And has SMART characteristics.  The research problem is stated in a   specific way, measurable in a way that can be measured using a research instrument like a questionnaire. Your research must also be achievable , the data you need to arrive at desirable results should be easily obtained. Also, your research problem needs to be both realistic and time-bound . After you have figured and identified your research problem, the next thing that you need to do is to find sources of information....